Sample of an application developed in Access
We will work with you to define the information you want to organize, and then develop ways for you to interact with that information – entering it into the computer, producing reports based on it, and so forth. The tool we use most frequently is Microsoft Access, a database design program. We have also helped clients to develop Pocket PC applications, and to automate processes using Microsoft Excel.
Caledonia Central School Union – CCSU uses a payroll program that did not handle contract information. We made it possible for them to produce contracts automatically based on pay rate tables. Caledonia North SU also uses (with some customization) what we developed for CCSU.
Lyndonville Electric Department – We have developed multiple databases for Lyndonville Electric. The most comprehensive one tracks detailed information associated with work done for customers – prices for supplies used, the status of various pieces of the project, and so forth.
St. Johnsbury Athenaeum – The staff uses a custom Access application to track book ordering, interlibrary loans and their Adopt-an-Author program.
“In regards to Database Design, my experience with Solbakken Technology has been nothing but positive. Support, support, support, this is one of their best qualities and one that can make all the difference when choosing a technology company. I am 100% satisfied with all the aspects of the database design, especially its user-friendly quality. I think Solbakken Technology Partners has the whole package, experience, knowledge and support at an affordable price.”
Robin Hunt, Human Resource Specialist
Caledonia Central Supervisory Union